Living Interdependency 

Become a member

`Our bodies know that they belong, it is our minds that make our lives so homeless´

John O`donohue


is a new organization in the field of personal and collective transformation through awareness based practices such as deep listening, inquiry, somatic movement, creativity, and conscious communication. 

The association has a studio outside Oslo, at Nesodden Kunst og Kulturnæringspark, which is a working environment for creative/artistic entrepreneurs, and works closely with  Momoakademiet AS, also run by social entrepreneur Hanne Pedersen. Our studio is called HOS MOMO, and has existed for one year now, becoming a cherished meeting place for personal growth and collective transformation in Nesodden. In June 2024, we started the association Momo Akademiet to formalize the community activities that have already happened at HOS MOMO, with a purpose and vision to be an agent of inner and outer connection, community building, and awareness-based change. 

We find it very important to take the practices of personal growth out of the “alternative” and into the public conversation about how we can co-create the world that we wish to be a part of. We see a huge need for a school of change based on inner connection and have a vision to train youth workers/community builders/agents of change to facilitate processes of embodied transformation through deep listening, somatic awareness, and creativity. 

Young people  

We aim to offer young people a community and a meeting place where they can gain informal learning and important life skills to navigate their inner experience, find inner strength and agency for improved mental health, empowered action, and joyful co-creation. We aspire to be an agent of innovation, research, and continuous learning, sharing stories about how humanity is creating new pathways for wholesome living and sustainable action. We want to be an agent of local and global community building, and be part of the global movement of people, small groups, and organizations working for awareness-based change.


Momoakademiet is active in community projects, both locally and in cooperation with international partners. We have a purpose and vision to be an agent of inner and outer connection, community building, and awareness-based change, and are very curious to initiate community projects/ learning activities in cooperation with both local and international partners. 

If you become a member you can also join our projects or invent your own within the context of the association. 


Here are some of our ongoing projects:


Et performativt verksted

Jobber du i skolen og har elever som vil være med å utvikle et scenekunstprosjekt?  Vi søker samarbeid med skoler i Osloområdet. 

Utøvere fra Momoakademiet arbeider med en intimt interaktivt forestilling "Mellomrommet", basert på utøvernes studier innen Ikkevoldskommunikasjon og andre metoder for tilstedeværelse.

På midten av den sirkulære "scenen" stilles spørsmål om hva vi møter inne i oss når vi stopper og lytter? I rommet mellom det som skjer og hvordan vi velger å respondere. Gjennom performative innslag og øvelser tar vi deltakerne med på en sårbar reise for å oppdage mer om hvem vi dypest sett er: våre redsler og ønsker, følelser og behov. "Mellomrommet" er et interaktivt scenekunstprosjekt for de som er på vei til å bli voksne, som en felles initiering til kontakt med en selv for å finne friheten og ansvaret til å ha innflytelse over sitt eget liv og, i delta i verden, fra et sted av glede og kreativitet. 

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Erasmus+ project

HUMANKIND - Stories of Belonging, Participation and Transformation 

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Erasmus+ project outreach:


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`Your life has to be your message´ (Thich Nhat Than)

Momoakademiet NGO is a membership organization, with two membership possibilities. Since we have both local and international activiity in our association and work both locally, internationally in community projects, and online, we offer membership both for our friends in the local community around Oslo, and for you who want to join us online. 

Monthly online activities includes webinars, meditation and community evenings where you as a member can offer your gifts. 

If you become part of Momoakademiet Hub Nesodden, there are monthly listening evenings, creator hub meetings as well as community evenings. You can also volunteer in the association and turn your local community into a creative hub where practices of deep listening, creativity, embodiment and nature connection support us to discover and rediscover more and more how to be the change we want to see in the world..

Go to the www.momoakademiet/#membership page to read more and become a member. 

Become a member